The Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures is an international management development Programme tailored to the specific needs of Research Infrastructures. This Programme is designed to give experienced science professionals the skills and knowledge they need to take on
Marialuisa Lavitrano has been elected Director following a nomination supported by the University of Milano-Bicocca, the CNR, GARR (the Italian Mandated Organization), ICDI and by several Universities, Research Infrastructures and Network Organization across Europe. Marialuisa Lavitrano, full professor of Pathology
The objective of the module was to provide participants with conceptual frameworks and tools for designing and implementing a successful strategy for a Research Infrastructure in national and international contexts. The strategic management is concerned with the process of setting
The RItrain programme is a useful tool to improve the Research Infrastructures environment. This is one of the reasons why the EuroFleets+ project decided to organise with the University of Milano-Bicocca a 2-days workshop called “STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR
The Core Technologies for Life Sciences congress is a major international event for core facility professionals, which will bring together 300+ delegates from all over Europe (previous editions in Institut Pasteur-Paris, EMBL-Heidelberg and VIB-Gent: In Lisboa (September
Becoming a leader is a hard journey. However, this was the objective of M7, the eighth module of EMMRI about leadership and team building. This module, delivered from 16th to 20th of September, was aimed to support participants in analyzing
The Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures is an international management development Programme tailored to the specific needs of Research Infrastructures. This Programme is designed to give experienced science professionals the skills and knowledge they need to take on
Experience a unique international management development programme for science professionals. Bicocca’s Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures teams you with highly talented research infrastructure professionals from different scientific sectors and countries. Listen from the participants’ voice what it means
The objective of the Module was to provide participants with concepts of funding, the capacity of providing financial resources to finance a RI or a single project. The Module focused on developing a sustainable funding model for RIs through the
Join EMMRI today, the first international management programme tailored to Research Infrastructures needs Apply Now We are proud to announce the graduation of the participants of the first Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures programme. The EMMRI