The Euro-Argo ERIC is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium with a legal statute registered at the European Community since May 2014. The Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure aims to ensure the sustainability of the overall European contribution to the Argo international programme – deploying and maintaining a global network of oceanic profiling floats. The Euro-Argo ERIC federates the national contributions to the international Argo programme (

It is also in charge of:

– overall European coordination,

– support to deployment activities,

– European fleet monitoring,

– survey of data flows to European Data centres (Coriolis, BODC) and Argo Global Data Centre (GDAC), to modelling facilities (European Copernicus Marine and Environment Monitoring Service and National Operational Services) and to European databases (SeaDataNet, EMODnet).

The Euro-Argo ERIC office is opening a fixed-term Project Engineer position for the duration of the Euro-Argo RISE project, to assist the Euro-Argo RISE coordinator and participate in the daily monitoring of Euro-Argo RISE in its administrative, organizational and financial aspects. He/She will also be involved in WP7 and WP8 activities (Scientific reports, communication and dissemination…).

Download the detailed Job description


• Please send a Resume (including contact of 2 references) and Cover Letter to:

• Language: English

• Format: pdf files

• File naming: EA-2019-EuroArgoRISE-your lastname-resume.pdf and EA-2019-EuroArgoRISE-your lastname-letter.pdf

Application Deadline: 17 February 2019

Job opportunity: Project Engineer at the Euro-Argo ERIC office