Laurent is director of DARIAH since February 2011. He got his PhD in computational linguistics in 1989 and his Habilitation thesis in 1999. For several years, he has lead the Langue et Dialogue research team ( at Loria laboratory and conducted various projects on man-machine dialogue, multilingual document management and linguistic engineering. He has participated in numerous national and international projects related to the representation and dissemination of language resources and on man-
machine interaction, and in particular coordinated the MLIS/DHYDRO, IST/MIAMM and e-Content/Lirics projects. He was the editor of ISO 16642 (TMF – Terminological Markup Framework) under TC37/SC3, and is the chairman of ISO committee TC37/SC4 on Language Resource Management. He is also a member of the TEI council (Text Encoding Initiative – Laurent is Visiting Professor in the Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures.