Arnaud Roi is recently appointed as Secretary-General of Dariah, a pan-European Research Infrastructure for arts and humanities. During M8 of EMMRI, Roi has announced his new role inside the RI. Arnaud Roi is an EMMRI participant.
Who is Arnaud Roi?
Roi has a French-German master’s degree in business and management. From 2008 to 2011, he worked for the Centre Marc Bloc – a French-German research institute for social sciences – as an assistant to the chief executive officer. After a few years of work experiences in a communications agency and in a design studio, he returned to the Humanities in 2015, back to the Centre Marc Bloch. He joined the DARIAH-EU team in January 2017.
The daily work of DARIAH-EU, whose formal seat as an ERIC is in Paris, is undertaken by the DARIAH-EU Coordination Office (DCO). The DCO itself is based in Berlin (Centre Marc Bloch), Goettingen (GCDH), Paris (Huma-Num) and The Hague (DANS). The DCO is responsible for finance, coordination and communications.
(Info from this page: https://www.dariah.eu/2017/01/23/dariah-coordination-office-dco-new-finance-officer-hired/)
The DARIAH-ERIC is a pan-European infrastructure for arts and humanities scholars working with computational methods. It supports digital research as well as the teaching of digital research methods.
The DARIAH Network connects several hundreds of scholars and dozens of research facilities in currently 17 European countries, the DARIAH member countries. In addition, DARIAH has several cooperating partner institutions in countries not being a member of DARIAH, and strong ties to many research projects across Europe. People in DARIAH provide digital tools and share data as well as know-how. They organise learning opportunities for digital research methods, like workshops and summer schools, and offer training materials for Digital Humanities.
(Info from this page: https://www.dariah.eu/news-events/other-infrastructures/about-eric-news/)