Jennifer Edmond is Director of Strategic Projects, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Trinity College Dublin.
Although trained as a conventional scholar of German Literature, Jennifer Edmond has been gradually shifting her research focus to the area of Digital Humanities since 2000. In particular, she is interested in the ‘conditions of possibility’ for digital scholarship, including infrastructure, collaboration and socio-cultural issues. Her current projects include Coordination of the €6.5M EU infrastructure project CENDARI (Collaborative European Digital Archival Infrastructure) and she chairs the Working Group on Scholarly Publishing and Communications for the ESF Network NeDiMAH (Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities). In addition to her research project-based work, Jennifer also has substantial experience as a general academic manager, having served as the founding Executive Director of the Trinity Long Room Hub (2008-2012) and as Trinity’s Research Strategy Officer (2005-2008).