Eero Vuorio is a Professor emeritus of Molecular Biology (University of Turku) who served as an Executive Manager of BBMRI during its preparatory phase 2008-2011. He currently works as the Director of Biocenter Finland in Helsinki. An M.D., Ph.D. a Professor of Molecular Biology and Chancellor emeritus of the University of Turku, he has worked as a visiting scientist at the University of Chicago, at ETH-Zürich, and at the M.D.Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. He has chaired the Research Council for Health (Academy of Finland), and the National Advisory Board for Research Ethics and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Council and currently chairs the National Research Infrastructure Committee in Finland.
He also has expert duties at the European Commission, UNESCO (International Bioethics Committee) and the European Research Council (ERC) as the chair of the Identification Committee. Eero is Visiting Professor in the Executive Masters in Management of Research Infrastructures.