Resource Management (2 ECTS)

FULL ONLINE – March 2026

Objective of the module is to provide participants with the basic principles of information technology, data management and resource management that play in effective RI performance.

This module provides the basic concepts for the efficient and effective development of an organization’s infrastructures and resources system.

The emphasis is on information technology and in particular on the inter-operability issues of data management, infrastructure and overall resource management systems.

The course has a very practical emphasis with a wide variety of cases, in-class discussion to enhance relevance.


Learning Model

Recorded lectures, self-assessment exercises, and assignments.

The programme covers the following topics

Introduction to data management

  • Research and administrative data management
  • Storage of data
  • Archiving
  • Privacy
  • Data sharing and inter-operability across borders
  • Management of other types of resource
  • Resource management processes

Fees & Enrolment

Participation fee: 800 Euros

Tuition fees include:

Teaching materials
Access to the University’s facilities
Coffee breaks and lunches during face-to-face modules
Fees do not include travel costs and living expenses. For accommodation, participants will benefit from the University’s agreements with nearby hotels. For information:

If you want more info, please send an email to and visit this page.

The Venue

This module will be held at the University of Milano-Bicocca. The University of Milano-Bicocca is located at Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 in Milan. Our campus benefits from the full array of learning environments and university-wide services.

How to reach us


Meet the Faculty

Enrico Guarini, Associate Professor of Business Administration and Management (Read More)

Markus Pasterk, CEO at Austrian Drug Screening Institute – ADSI (Read More)

Who should Apply ?

• Director Generals, Chief Operating Officers or their equivalent
• Recently appointed or upcoming senior managers
• Heads of National Nodes
• Heads of Finance and Administration, HR and Communication
• Middle management
• Representatives of funding bodies and ministries responsible for RI funding