Developing a Sustainable Funding Model for Reserach Infrastructures (3 ECTS)
14-16 May 2025 – Sironi Room U4-8
Objective of the module is to provide participants with concepts of funding, the capacity of providing financial resources to finance an RI or a single project. The module focuses on developing a sustainable funding model for RIs through the explanation of the basics concepts of fund, funders, and methods of funding (including PPPs). Furthermore, the modules aims to introduce participants to basic concepts of financial analysis of investment projects.
This module provides the basic elements for developing a sustainable funding model for RIs. The module develops the concepts of the modes of funding, advocacy and ambassadorship, and in particular identification and negotiation of funds with potential funders, creation of a good proposal for funding and identification of new tools as private – public partnerships, special projects, etc. The emphasis is on the capacity to develop funding models, to evaluate investment projects and to develop a financial plan for RIs. At the end, participants will also gain an understanding of the financial consequences of strategic decisions.
Learning Model
Lectures, group works, case discussions, role plays, share of best practice, and assignments.
The programme covers the following topics
• Funding concept
• Modes of funding for RIs
• Types of funders
• Commercial funders
• Non-commercial funders
• Identifying potential funders
• Negotiating with potential funders
New funding tools
• Private public partnership
• Crowdfunding
• Fee for service
• Others
Financial analysis of investment projects
• Project investment evaluation techniques o Return on investment (ROI)
• Pay back
• Net Present value (NPV) of discounted cash flows (DCF)
• Internal rate of return (IRR)
• Project sensitivity analysis
How to make a financial plan
• Typologies (project vs business)
• The financial plan section of a business plan
• The importance of a financial plan for a RI
• Construction of a good financial plan proposal for funding
• Creating projections and scenario-analysis
• The financial planning process
Fees & Enrolment
Participation fee: 1,200 Euros
Tuition fees include:
Teaching materials
Access to the University’s facilities
Coffee breaks and lunches during face-to-face modules
Fees do not include travel costs and living expenses. For accommodation, participants will benefit from the University’s agreements with nearby hotels. For information:
If you want more info, please send an email to and visit this page.
The Venue
This module will be held at the University of Milano-Bicocca. The University of Milano-Bicocca is located at Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 in Milan. Our campus benefits from the full array of learning environments and university-wide services.

Meet the Faculty
University of Milano-Bicocca:
Paola Bongini, Full Professor of Banking and Finance at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Read More)
Monica Rossolini, Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Read More)
Emanuele Rossi, Associate Professor of Corporate Finance at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Read More)
Visiting Faculty:
Evila Piva, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Politecnico di Milano (Read More)
Who should Apply ?
• Director Generals, Chief Operating Officers or their equivalent
• Recently appointed or upcoming senior managers
• Heads of National Nodes
• Heads of Finance and Administration, HR and Communication
• Middle management
• Representatives of funding bodies and ministries responsible for RI funding